
To learn more about refugees and the process of resettlement:



UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees) is the international body charged with managing the flow and protection of those who are seeking asylum across a border, having fled from violence, persecution, war or disaster.


Cultural Orientation Resource Center

Refugee backgrounders are publications produced by the Cultural Orientation Center that provide key information about various refugee populations. These Refugee Backgrounders and Culture Profiles include a population’s history, culture, religion, language, education and resettlement needs, and brief demographic information.


Refugee Council USA

Sign up to get on their weekly list serve that provides critical weekly news stories from around the world having to do with refugees. The Refugee Council USA (RCUSA), established in 2000, is a coalition of U.S. non-governmental organizations focused on refugee protection. RCUSA provide advocacy on issue affecting the rights of refugees, asylum seekers, displaced persons, victims of trafficking, and victims of torture in the United States and across the world. The coalition also served as the principal consultative forum for the national refugee resettlement and processing agencies as they formulate common positions, conduct their relations with U.S. government and other partners, and support and enhance refugee standard services.


Welcoming America & Welcoming Refugees

National, award-winning organization, begun as a small grassroots gathering of people and now the recognized leader of providing communities tools and resources to become places of cultural competence and effective welcome to refugees and immigrants. Outstanding public education and messaging information.


Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA)

MIRA is the largest organization in New England promoting the rights and integration of immigrants and refugees through policy analysis and advocacy, institutional organizing, training and leadership development, strategic communications, citizenship assistance and AmeriCorps initiatives that provide capacity-building for community-based organizations.


Catholic Legal Immigration Network

Located in Washington, D.C, Clinic is one of the largest national advocacy groups on immigrant and refugee issues in the country.


White House Task Force

A Report published by the White House Task Force “Strengthening Communities By Welcoming All Residents,”  which outlines strategies for comprehensive integration for refugees and immigrants:


Additional Resources:

Refugee Resettlement State Profiles
Examples of Refugees' Contributions to Economy and Communities
Examples of Communities Welcoming Refugees
Letters and articles, national and state-by-state, demonstrating welcome for refugees
Letter from former Secretaries of Department of Homeland Security
Letter to Congress from 20 former National Security Officials
Letter from 800 faith leaders affirming welcome to refugees from all religions
In process quotes from faith leaders
In process stories of refugees impacted by EO
Letter signed by nearly 1,900 rabbis in support of refugee resettlement


Welcome Home Northampton

Pro Bono Dental Work Guidelines

August 6, 2018


Welcome Home Northampton, which is involved with resettling refugees in the region, is coordinating pro bono and discounted dental work for refugees. These guidelines are to define the relationship between the dentists, the refugees, and Welcome Home Northampton.

Insurance Coverage

All refugees receive MassHealth for the first eight months that they are in state, and then can re-apply. MassHealth is accepted by:

  • Some, but not all, dental providers

  • Hilltown Community Health Center in Amherst (Musante Health Center)


    1. Identify refugee patients: Welcome Home Northampton representatives will identify potential refugee patients. That list will be provided to dental representatives.

    2. Find dentist: Dental representatives (below) will identify local dentists who are willing to participate.

    3. Evaluate patient: If initially approved by the dentist, the patient will be evaluated. All patients start with a dental assessment, including treatment options and costs. The patient is free to keep a copy of the evaluation to use for a second evaluation or to acquire dental services where they please.

    4. Determine next steps: The evaluation will be reviewed with the dentist to determine next steps. There is no guarantee of pro bono or reduced services. Because individual dental needs can vary, each case will be determined by the dentist. Services may be provided by:

      • Hilltown Community Health Center in Amherst (Musante Health Center)

      • Criteria: can see patients on MassHealth who don’t have other dental coverage. These folks will be covered by the Health Safety Net (HSN), which we alone among local providers can bill for dental services. 

      • Services: cleanings, some scalings for deep calculus, fillings, anterior crowns and anterior root canals (Worthington site only), acrylic partials and dentures, and extractions (may be limited). 

      • Do not do: We do not do posterior root canals on 19 and older or posterior crowns on 19 year old or older patients, or biopsy for oral cancer screening. 

      • Dentists

      • Criteria: Only the dentist can approve free or discounted work. The dentist will decide the number of patients s/he is willing to see, and under what circumstances.

      • Services: Full suite

    5. Estimate: Dentist provides estimate to Welcome Home Northampton for review and approval. If there is billing to Welcome Home Northampton, the dentist will invoice Welcome Home Northampton directly, though the United Way of Hampshire County who is administering the funds.

    6. Treatment

Dental Representatives

Dr. Robert D. Boynton, Jr., 51 Locust Street, Northampton MA 01060, 413-584-3741,

Dr. Mary Lou Stuart, Dental Director, Musante Center, Hilltown Community Health Centers, Inc.

P:  (413) 238-5511, F: (413) 238-5570,

Dr. Carina Wohl, Wohl Family Practice, 61 Locust Street, Northampton MA 01060, (413) 586-618,

Dr. Martin Wohl, Wohl Family Practice, 61 Locust Street, Northampton MA 01060, (413) 586-6180,

Welcome Home Northampton Representatives

Kathryn Buckley-Brawner, Executive Director, Catholic Charities Agency, Diocese of Springfield, MA  01105, 413-452-0606, Kathryn

Janet Bush, Reverend, Unitarian Society of Northampton and Florence, 220 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060, 413-584-1390,

Denys Candy, Director, Jandon Center, Smith College, Wright Hall, Smith College, Northampton, MA 01063, 413-585-3060,

John D. Bidwell, Executive Director, United Way of Hampshire County, 76 King Street, Northampton, MA 01060, 413-584-3962,