
Financial Donations

All donations earmarked for the Refugee Resettlement program will be used to help arriving refugee families successfully rebuild their lives in our community. All donations are tax-deductible.

Financial donations can be made to:
Catholic Charities Agency
att:  Welcoming Refugees Resettlement Project
65 Elliot Street
Springfield, MA 01105                            

You can also donate online! 


We have helped over 300 refugees resettle in our community over the past six years. We have found supportive and safe communities where refugee families can rebuild their lives. The single biggest challenge to welcoming refugee families to these areas, and allowing them to stay, is housing. 

If we as a community can make rents in our community more affordable, the families that we have welcomed here, and others who haven’t arrived yet, can continue living here. If not, they might have to move. To help keep them here, we must raise $50,000 a year which will provide rental assistance for each family for up to three years. This will provide time to learn English and gain skills for jobs that will support them and their families. 

Catholic Charities has agreed to help refugees rebuild their lives in our community. This can only happen if there is access to affordable housing. Please consider making a monthly pledge (preferred) or one time donation to the Welcome Home Refugee Resettlement Program. All money donated here will be used to help newly arrived families pay their rent for their first full year here. Please spread the word to anyone who is interested in making our community a welcoming place for refugees. Thank you.

Dollars Raised for Housing



Thank you